Monday 28 February 2011

If I could walk 500 miles . . . or just 5

Holla everyone!!!

     Well now it has been a couple weeks which means that it is time for an UPDATE!!! Whoop whoop!!! Yes I know I said I was going to try to keep you updated a little more often, but between traveling so much and trying to improve my study habits/discipline with life stuff (working out, sleeping, eating right, doing devo's, etc.) it is easier and more exciting to let a few adventures happen and then tell you a bunch of stuff all at once!! Hahaha Or I'm just lazy at times and can only motivate myself to write one of these every other week lol! I'll let you pick which one :)

    This post is going to just be more personal updates and telling you about Dublin and this past weekend and some stuff to look forward to! So not as long but hey, don't worry . . . many more adventures to come!

     Alright, so last weekend I hopped a bus to Dublin after my module on Friday afternoon. The trip was two hours long . . . but considering I had gotten three hours of sleep the night before, I gladly welcomed the two hours to catch up on sleep with open arms and closed eyelids haha The rest of the crew had gone down the day before because they don't have friday courses :/ lame! haha So I made the trip down solo. Once I got to Dublin it was dark, windy and rainy and, not gonna lie, creepy. I had to walk around downtown Dublin for an hour and a half to get to my hostel! It was a good experience for me, but I would rather not do it again alone and at night haha! Once I found the hostel (The Bunkhouse) I got all my stuff squared away and chilled until the others got back from a pub and then hit the hay. The next day we hit up a hop-on, hop-off bus tour and saw the Christ Church and St. Patricks Cathedral, Guinness and Jamison Distilleries, walked around a few cute shops downtown and then relaxed at the hostel for a little while before heading out. We went to a sweet Pub later that night to celebrate Sam's 21st birthday and just danced the night away :) The last day was just a nice mellow morning and we caught a bus back to Belfast and then a train to Jordanstown! It was a fun-filled time of exploring and experiencing Dublin to the fullest! I'm excited to go back with my parents come April!

     Above are the photo's of the little chinese Guinness mascot guy at the factory and then me at the Jamison distillery where the bartender gave me and joylynn free Jamison and Hot chocolates!!! SCORE!!

                                        Our little leprechaun boys Donald (left) and Ivar (right)

     Tuesday night, my flat mates and a few of our guy friends went out to Mclub to throw Ignacio a going away party. He was studying here from Venezuela and just got an internship in France, so he had to leave us :( But him and Irenee and Maxim (pretty much all our guys) left for holiday or France so we all wanted to go out for dancing and 1 pound drinks haha It was packed and a blast and a good way to say goodbye. We miss them a lot already but luckily Max and Irenee will be back next week and we are going to go visit Ignacio in Paris during Easter holiday!

From left to right 
Erin, Me, Ignacio, Margaret, Sarah, Marionella (in the foreground)

Ignacio and Irenee

    Next was the adventure of this weekend!! It was actually a pretty chill weekend, not a ton going on. But a few of us did have an entertaining adventure on Saturday! A few of us decided that if we weren't going to travel, that we should at least see something around Belfast. The verdict: Belfast Castle and Cave Hill. The day was absolutely gorgeous! It was sunny and warm and calm, just perfect for hiking and exploring. We hit up the castle first, which was beautiful, but that was about it. Pretty to look at and take pictures of but not that exciting. I will admit that the view of Belfast was breathtaking though :)

Belfast City & The Locke of Belfast

Lovely view of the Belfast Castle

     And then from the castle we started hiking up Cave Hill, which, started out in this forest area that was lush and green and gorgeous. Then we broke through a clearing and there were these giant green cliffs that we had to climb and a sweet little cave about halfway to the top. 

The Cliffs we climbed

Of course I climbed up into the cave, DUH! Do you know who I am?!

     While at the cave we were praising our good fortune at having such lovely weather, when all of a sudden . . . dun dun dunnnnn! GIANT CLOUDS - RAIN - CRAZY WIND - AND HOLY SMACKS COLD!!!! But hey, we couldn't turn back now! No way! So we continued the perilous treck to the top, battling the elements the whole way there!!

Almost to the top!!

You can't tell by the pic, but I made it to the top . . . put on my thug face of dominating the cliffs and then once I actually broke over the top edge to go stand on the point of the cliff, the wind about knocked my butt over the edge . . . slight panicky moment right before this picture. And then about 2 seconds after this picture my face almost froze off haha

     So for about 20 minutes we all admired the scene, but really were just shivering and quite frankly a wee bit miserable haha and then we decide to start the decent back down. Oh but hey, the way we took up would have been super risky to try and climb down so we decide to take an alternative route. Then the rain, sleet, snow and wind all die down abruptly.

Kaz (from Australia, left) and Evelein (from the Netherlands, right) bundled up and happy the rain stopped. 

     After about ten minutes the clouds parted, and heaven smiled down on us with glorious sunshine and blue skies . . . and I thought Spokane had ADD weather. Jeesh! So we went from hot, sunny, tshirts, to freezing, windy, snow, bundled, back to warm, blue skies, and sunshine all in the course of an hour. Crazy! Ok, so as we are taking this alternative route, we realize we have been walking an extremely long time, on this country, muddy path, that is taking us only God knows where . . . good. We ended up coming across some very pissed off ponies that had gotten loose and almost trampled us, that was exciting. 

     And eventually, meaning and hour and a half later, made it to civilization. Where we promptly hailed a cab, went back to campus, took off our extremely soaked and dirty clothes, and took a gloriously hot shower, ate a solid meal and ended our day with a fantastic nap!!! 

    Next weekend Me, Donald, Arami and possibly some others will be going to London and the next weekend off to Edinburg in Scotland!!! I will have lots to tell I'm sure so keep checking in and keep in touch with me! I love hearing from all you who contact me :) Much love to you all!!!


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